
Showing posts from March, 2020

IAS interview guidance is a must for candidates to pass the final round

After you pass the IAS written exams - Mains and prelims - you need to gear up and prepare yourself to face the interview panel. While many candidates think that it is passing the written test that requires grit and determination, you must know that getting through the IAS interview round is equally tough and challenging. So, you cannot take it lightly. For which make sure that you enrol for an IAS interview guidance course. The interview panel for IAS comprises of well-known and distinguished people from their fields who interview the candidate to understand if he or she is well-suited for the profile of administrators and civil services. A lot depends on the panel of interviewers on what type of questions they are going to ask the candidate. So, you can never be hundred percent sure of the question that you are going to face. Why is IAS interview preparation so important? Having said that you can never really know what the content of the questions will be at the interview,...