
Showing posts from May, 2020

Top 10 IAS Interview Questions with Answers

While for clearing the Prelims and Mains of UPSC IAS exam you would require hard work, dedicated study hours, for cracking an IAS Interview, you would require intelligence and most importantly, a presence of mind. The thought of facing a panel asking tricky questions and judging you based on your promptness and intelligence can be a nightmare for many! In such a scenario, you simply need to be careful about how to answer different types of questions. A trained and professional IAS academy in Delhi would prepare you for facing these questions and answering them confidently. We have listed the top 10 most frequently asked questions in an IAS Interview round. Q. 1. Tell me about yourself. This Is one of the most common questions asked in UPSC IAS Interview. You simply need to begin by providing a brief background of your personal information, family, academic qualifications, and professional experiences. Be as clear and precise as possible while answering this. Q. 2. Why d...

How to Crack IAS Prelims in the First Attempt?

It is a common myth that UPSC Civil Services is too difficult and that nobody can crack it. Yes, there is no denial of the fact that IAS is quite challenging, especially in a scenario where lakhs of people are competing each year, with about 25% of candidates passing the prelims. However, with the right guidance and systematic study programs, it becomes relatively easy to crack this hard nut in the first attempt itself! To ensure that you crack the IAS Prelims in the first attempt, we have come up with a list of tricks and good habits that are surely going to show positive outcomes. Stop Staring at the IAS Syllabus as a Whole You are bound to get nervous and start to lose confidence already by looking at the bulky IAS curriculum. The formula is to divide the whole syllabus into smaller chunks and start preparing each of them by parts. In this way, you will feel it easier to conquer the entire syllabus without feeling tremendous pressure. For example, divide the syllabus i...

Top ways to prepare for your upcoming UPSC exam

IAS Test is accepted to be the hardest government assessment in India. However, if an up-and-comer is not kidding enough, grasps the correct procedures, direction, and study material at that point, even self-study is sufficient to overcome the IAS test. Given beneath are some significant IAS Planning Tips which  an up-and-comer can follow for scoring higher in the test:  IAS Question Papers or Mock Test Papers:  Composing mock tests not just causes you to re-examine your syllabus of IAS yet, besides, assists with speeding up to fathom the test in time.  There is constantly a mash of time in IAS Test; one must be quickly recorded as writing questions. Mock test papers help in speeding up the  brain to make calculations. Hence it is one of the best ways to prepare for the UPSC Online Exam.   Right Selection of books for preparation:  It is of most extreme significance to get just suggested books and the correct ex...