Top 10 IAS Interview Questions with Answers
While for clearing the Prelims and Mains of UPSC IAS exam you would require hard work, dedicated study hours, for cracking an IAS Interview, you would require intelligence and most importantly, a presence of mind. The thought of facing a panel asking tricky questions and judging you based on your promptness and intelligence can be a nightmare for many! In such a scenario, you simply need to be careful about how to answer different types of questions. A trained and professional IAS academy in Delhi would prepare you for facing these questions and answering them confidently. We have listed the top 10 most frequently asked questions in an IAS Interview round. Q. 1. Tell me about yourself. This Is one of the most common questions asked in UPSC IAS Interview. You simply need to begin by providing a brief background of your personal information, family, academic qualifications, and professional experiences. Be as clear and precise as possible while answering this. Q. 2. Why d...